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كيف أضيف سؤال وجواب جديدين؟لإضافة أسئلة شائعة جديدة ، اتبع الخطوات التالية: 1. انقر فوق زر "إدارة الأسئلة الشائعة" 2. من لوحة التحكم في موقعك ، يمكنك إضافة جميع أسئلتك وإجاباتك وتعديلها وإدارتها 3. يجب إضافة كل سؤال وجواب إلى فئة 4. حفظ ونشر.
هل يمكنني إدراج صورة أو مقطع فيديو أو صورة gif في الأسئلة الشائعة الخاصة بي؟نعم. لإضافة وسائط ، اتبع الخطوات التالية: 1. أدخل إعدادات التطبيق 2. انقر فوق الزر "إدارة الأسئلة الشائعة" 3. حدد السؤال الذي ترغب في إضافة الوسائط إليه 4. عند تعديل إجابتك ، انقر على أيقونة الكاميرا أو الفيديو أو GIF 5. أضف وسائط من مكتبتك.
كيف يمكنني تعديل أو إزالة عنوان "الأسئلة الشائعة"؟يمكنك تعديل العنوان من علامة التبويب "الإعدادات" في التطبيق. إذا كنت لا تريد عرض العنوان ، فما عليك سوى تعطيل العنوان ضمن "المعلومات المراد عرضها".
How Can I Fit Therapy Into My Busy Schedule?We understand that your daily life can be hectic and how hard it can be to fit counseling into a busy life. Victoria Behavioral Health Services offers early morning, lunchtime, evening and weekend appointments as well as online therapy and phone appointments to fit your scheduling needs.
Do You Accept Insurance?Victoria Behavioral Health Accepts all major insurances and for private pay patients please ask in office staff of our pay as you go plan.
What is Your Cancellation Policy?We require at least a 24-hour notice of your cancellation or you are charged the full session fee. Otherwise, failure to provide the appropriate notice will result in our standard fee for service to be debited on the day of your appointment. Give us a call so we can work with you on rescheduling.
How Many Sessions Will I Need to Feel Better?Every situation is different as some people come into therapy for additional support through transitions or life stress while others seek help to improve behavioral health symptoms such as depression or anxiety. For mental health concerns or symptoms such as anxiety, depression, panic, disordered eating, and similar concerns, extensive research has shown that between 57% – 62% of clients improve within an average of 12 sessions. The actual length also varies on the extent of the symptoms you are experiencing as well as your previous experience. What the research also shows is that therapy is highly effective for clients who complete therapy. Our goal at Victoria Behavioral Health is to ensure that you are matched with a therapist who has unique training and experience with your primary concerns to ensure a successful outcome for you.
What if I’m Experiencing an Emergency?In case of an emergency, you can call any of the following emergency numbers: 911, United Way Crisis Hotline (713) 228-1505, Kingwood Pines Hospital (281) 404-1001, Cypress Creek Hospital (281) 586-7600, or go to the nearest hospital emergency room for assistance. We also have other emergency resources listed under the “Links & Resources” section of our website.
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